Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lewis the Ginger Terror

Hi everyone

My name is Pippy Clark (formerly Lewis)

First of all let me say, who the hell names a cat Lewis. What is that some old man name! Sheesh.
Thank God those crazy humans who adopted me had a bit of taste and renamed me Pippy.

Anyhoo, just wanted to tell you about my new life and to keep you posted on my adventures.

About 6 weeks ago I was adopted by this mad Maori called Haz. She is loopy de loop.
She brings me home to this really big cage, its got stairs and lots of doors and 2 bathrooms. Wow, thats some big cage. Anyhoo, when I arrive, there's this grey and white cat-chick named Jelly and what a P R I N C E S S. She took one withering look at me and spat. (now that we're on talking terms, she tells me that she wasn't really into ferals). Um hey I'm not a feral, just homeless!

So, anyway, I bought with me a cat flu and my own personal body groomers (aka fleas), and being the good friend that I am, I shared these with Jelly and the humans. Wow, they were so happy they scratched and scratched and scratched. I could just tell they were totally stoked to be given this free gift with purchase.

Now since i came from a shelter, well I came with good manners, you know, cleaning up after my private moments, helping to rake the carpets and most of all helping them to redesign their furniture by adding some personal touches like these really cool designer rips in the seats. Wow, they just don't know how lucky they are to get more free stuff outta me.

Most of the time we sleep, but come midnight, its all on for young and old. Thats when our human mum gets up to work, and thats when we start playing. Its pretty cool actually, we run up and down the stairs all night with our bells jingling and we are pretty good at waking everyone up too. Jelly and I chase each other around the house and get into anything we can and sometimes if we feel like it we help mummy with her work.

My job is to sit on her laptop and be really cute, Jelly's job is to keep watch out for any ferals who are trying to get at us.

We've got a couple of feral friends next door. We call them Spot 1 and Spot 2, a bit of cat irony, they are heaps bigger than Jelly and me, but since we are like kings of the house, we pretty much tell them to take a hike if they get above themselves. They obviously respect us, cos they always listen.

As for our humans, ah well, what can I say, just loopy.

Anyway thats it for this week. Catch you soon!